Insilicodata top poster
KY-methods and tailor-made model
EUROTOX 2019 8-11 September 2019 HELSINKI, FINLAND
Poster P04-051: Proposal of next-generation system in big data era based on chemical data science
--- Integrated toxicity research support system adapted to the new era ---
EUROTOX 2018 2-5 September 2018 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
Poster P05-26:Development of a state-of-the-art multiple regression KY-method corresponding to the big data era and its application to fish toxicity
10th WORLD CONGRESS ON ALTERNATIVES AND ANIMAL USE IN LIFE SCIENCE, August 20-24, 2017, Convention Center, Seattle, USA.
Poster P05-26: Development of new data analysis methods : The KY-methods
Basic concept and application examples of the KY method (Binary classification)
White paper of the KY-methods